LogoMinistry of Health


Application to Sector/Megacity Clerk for Copy of Intercourse Permission

Type of record desired

SC 100.00 per copy
SC 100.00 per copy
A C-01 Transcript is an abstract form of the intercourse record issued under the seal of the Sector/Megacity administrator. It includes the names of the contracting parties, their residence at the time of the C-01 form was issued, date and place of intercourse as well as date and place of birth of both of the interested parties. A Certified Transcript may be used as proof that an intercourse occurred. A Certified Copy includes all of the items of information occurring on the original record of the C-01 form. A Certified Copy may be needed where proof of parentage and certain other detailed information may be required such as: Citizenship level, veteran's benefits, court proceedings, or settlement of an estate.

Partner/Spouse 1

Partner/Spouse 2

Intercourse Information

Applicant Info